How to set effective dance goals (pt 1)

A nine step process to create dance goals that you will actually stick to, and therefore help you get closer to your dance dreams.

Okay, so I’m going to assume that at the beginning of every year you think up multiple new years resolutions. You tell yourself this is going to be ‘your year’ and set dance goals that are going to make your dreams become reality. But I can also guess that come February, you probably didn’t remember what those goals were, let alone being any closer to reaching them…. 

But what if I told you there was a better way? A way that helped you get whatever it is that you want, without stress, or guilt that you’re not doing ‘enough’. Well let me say right now, there most definitely is, and it all comes down to strategy. Below is an effective process that will help you stick to any dance goals you choose, and of course actually achieve it.  

Step 1- Know the difference between a ‘dream’ and ‘tangible goal’  

So many of us fall into the trap of choosing dance goals that don’t allow us much control over the outcome. We are setting ourselves up for failure because the power isn’t in our hands…. often, the things we aspire to are usually in the hands of an audition panel. 

This might sound strange, but you should avoid setting yourself a goal to achieve your dream (ie. being cast as a certain role). Instead, your dance target should be something that’s going to HELP you get towards that dream (ie. go to that choreographer’s class every week). Feel free to go after those amazing things like getting into that company, or dancing behind your favourite artist, but make sure you save your goal setting for physical things you can work towards! Because after all, practicing turns every day, increasing your flexibility, or whatever it is that you need to improve, is what’s going to get you to that dream anyway. 

Step 2- Write it down your dance goals, and how you will celebrate them 

Visualisation is so important when it comes to goal setting. Writing down your goals and the steps you will take to get there is the simplest way to bring them to life. Instead of being a desire in your mind, they become actionable things that you’re putting out into the universe. The part that most people underestimate however, is choosing how you will celebrate them once you have made them a reality. This part is so valuable because it allows you to see a beginning, middle and an end. It will help the goal seem like it has an end point, rather than a never ending cycle of what you ‘should’ be working towards. 

Step 3- Understand that motivation won’t get you anywhere, it’s intention that counts.

You know on Sunday nights when you’re feeling super motivated and you think you’re going to get up extra early to go for a run and have a green smoothie for breakfast? But then Monday morning comes around and tell yourself you’ll do that run later, while you end up having cornflakes for breakfast. What you have to understand about goals is that, if you rely on motivation, you’re never going to get very far. To make a goal a reality, you have to intentionally organise your day around when you’re going to do the work. The key is knowing the difference between just feeling inspired, compared to purposefully adding the work into your schedule. 

Step 4- Implementation 

This is the most important step when it comes to goals. You guessed it, it’s the part where you specifically plan out what part of your day you’re going to put your ideas into practice. Notice how I said idea? That’s because unless you start to implement your goal, it is in fact, just an idea inside your mind. You should make plans with a friend to go to that dance class, or you should write in your diary that you will practice pirouettes after Jazz tonight. It has to be something that takes away the ‘choice’ of whether you do it or not. For example, when you make an appointment, you would never decide on the day that you don’t feel like going. You have to think of your goals the same way…no agonising over feeling guilty about whether or not you should do it, just go do it!

So there are the first 4 steps, and now you’re probably wondering where the next 5 are. Well….when I first began writing about goal setting it was meant to be for just one blog post, but it turns out that I have far more to say about this topic than I initially realised. To make sure I give you as much helpful advice on goal setting as possible I’ve decided to split it into two parts! And trust me you don’t want to miss the next instalment. I’m going to tell you my one secret to creating a habit that sticks. Click here to read part two now!

Until next time,

Happy Dancing! xx

P.s Did you catch last weeks blog post on the art of nailing ballet exams? Whether you’re a student or a teacher, it is an important read! Read it now.

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