How to set effective dance goals (pt 2)

Part two of the goal setting for dancers guide. A nine step stragey proven to help dancers set and implement performance goals they will actually achieve.

Welcome back to the two part series on how to set effective dance goals you will actually achieve. So excited you’re back for the next instalment! If you haven’t checked out part one yet, then make sure you do now before we start… and then jump right back on into step 5!

Step 5- Attaching your goal to a pre-existing habit

If you’re one of those people who finds yourself sticking to a goal for a few days, before forgetting about it and moving on, then this tip is vital for you! One of the best ways to create a new habit, is to use an existing habit as a mental prompt. For example, if you want to do daily meditation practice, then you could aim to do it immediately after brushing your teeth every day. Since teeth brushing is already a ritual for you (I hope!), it acts as a daily reminder that now is the perfect time for you to implement your goal. 

Step 6- Create a vision board 

Decorate a piece of cardboard with images that make you feel inspired. You could have photos of Dancers that you strive to be like, quotes that make you feel motivated, or pictures of your dream role. It should help you to visualise what life can be like for you if you achieve this goal, and aims to make you feel happy when you look at it. I absolutely love making vision boards because they can really help on those days where you just can’t be bothered! Oh and make sure you leave it somewhere that you will be looking at every single day. If you want more information on how and why you should have a vision board, read this!

Step 7- Get a buddy involved

Find a buddy to discuss your goal with, and the steps you will take to achieve it. Better yet, have them think of a goal themselves, and so you’ll be in it together. I’m a huge believer in the Law of Attraction and wholeheartedly think that the more you put something out into the universe, the more likely the universe will give it back to you. Not to mention, telling a friend holds you far more accountable than if your goal simply lived and died in your notebook. 

Step 8- Take the pressure off

Given that performers are usually natural born perfectionists, goal setting for dancers can get a little tricky. We want to do everything, and all at once! As per usual, my motto is all about being kind to yourself, so if you have a day where you forget your daily work towards your goal, that is more than okay. Don’t get frustrated with yourself, simply remember that you’re only human, and you will try again tomorrow. If you throw in the towel because you aren’t perfect, you are setting yourself up for failure. 

Step 9- Enjoy yourself.

It is important to remind yourself why it is that you actually wanted to achieve this goal in the first place. Usually when we set goals initially, we’re super excited about them and we can’t wait to get started. But when your goals become a part of mundane day to day life, suddenly they are not as shiny anymore, which course can lead to some seriously waining motivation. So try to enjoy yourself as much as possible, because success will not happen right away. Keep in mind that a big climb will always have the best view, but you may as well appreciate the hike along the way! 

So there you have it. The full 9 step process to tackling goal setting for dancers, or what I like to call ‘making your dreams come true’. I know that you can do it, all you need to do now is to believe yourself that you can do it. Can’t wait to see and hear about all the amazing goals you will soon be achieving.

Until next time,

Happy Dancing! (And goal setting!) xx

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