7 Ways to Rest….For People Who Hate Resting

In order to have a successful Dance career, performers must learn to prioritise rest. Trouble is, most of us have forgotten how. Here are 7 ways to rest for people who hate resting.

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably heard me banging on about the value of rest, and why it is so important for us dancers. It’s a topic that is close to my heart, because for many years during my training I didn’t understand how vital it was to switch off every now and again, which of course led to consequences for both my health and my happiness. To put it simply, I got totally burnt out and now I really want to help dancer’s avoid making the same mistakes I made. 

Since writing about this topic, I’ve come to realise many of you understand how vital rest is, but your real struggle is that you just don’t know how to truly relax, without feeling guilty or like you should be doing more. Trust me, I’ve been there! So in order to help you, I’ve put together a list of the best ways to unwind, if you’re one of those people who kinda (really) hates it. Your body and mind will thank you for it, I promise!

  1. Learn to meditate.
    You might be thinking I’m crazy for mentioning this, because if you’re a dancer who hates rest, suggesting you should sit still for prolonged periods, seems like a bad idea. But bare with me here. What you have to know about meditation, is that it’s not always going to be an easy thing. Rather than seeing it as something your supposed to love, instead view it as part of your training. When you look at it like this, it becomes far easier to work it into your daily routine. The more you stick to it, the more you will see results, and those results include less anxiety and far more clarity – sounds pretty good, right?Side note** If you want to know which apps I recommend using for your meditation then make sure you’re signed up to my email list. I will reveal all in next week’s Tip Tuesday!
  2. Get artistic and give drawing a go.
    So if meditation REALLY isn’t your thing, and you honestly can’t foresee yourself ever doing it, then try a mindfulness drawing book. Mindfulness is simply about bringing your attention to the present moment, so colouring in allows you to quieten the mind but whilst still keeping your hands busy. You can find these books everywhere, considering it’s super trendy these days.
  3. Watching a movie or tv with a friend.
    Let me paint a picture for you… you’re pretty tired and there’s a TV show that you really want to catch up on, but there’s a couple of other things you kinda should get done. So you put the show on, but at the same time, you half heartedly do the stuff your meant to be doing. Sound familiar? Let me make this loud and clear, this is not valuable rest! If you find yourself falling into this trap, I encourage you to invite someone to watch the show with you, and fully commit to the break. That way you will be able to get the things done you need to before or afterwards, and there won’t be that weird overlap. It’s one or the other people!!
  4. Going for a walk.
    …despite the fact you are technically exercising. Even better if your walk is somewhere that stimulates your senses, such as the beach!
  5. Start writing a journal.
    Journalling is yet another activity that is perfectly suited to those who dislike doing nothing, because basically, you are doing something! The important thing to remember with this one though is that it should be relaxing journalling, not something you feel like you HAVE to do every day. You don’t need to write about what you did that day or any specific topic. Just write what you feel… it’s surprisingly therapeutic.
  6. Dancing around in your room to fun music. Oh, and if you need a good list of songs to get you in the mood to dance around your living room, click here!
  7. Read a Book.
    This is probably my favourite suggestion, because I seriously love reading! If you have a loud brain, where worries and plans demand to be listened to, then reading a book is the best way to quieten all the noise and focus on what’s in front of you. My (very wise) Mum told me that no matter where you are in the world, or what situation you are in, a book can take you anywhere. And if that’s not mindfulness, I don’t know what is! 

Bonus: If you’re not a reader, try listening to a podcast or an audio book instead. 

So there you have it, 7 ways to relax if you’re not quite sure how to do it! When it comes to rest, the one thing you must remember is that you ARE achieving something by slowing down. We tend to feel like giving ourselves a break will put us behind reaching our goals, when in actual fact it’s the opposite. Listening to what your body needs from you could actually be the one thing that allows you to out last all the other dancers who give up because they’re too dang tired to do it anymore. So go on, get resting! 

Until next time,

Happy Dancing xx

P.s Do you have any other ways that you love to rest after class or a big day of rehearsals? If so, I would really love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.

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