7 reasons to be grateful you’re a dancer

Often we take for granted what a wonderful thing it is to get to call yourself a dancer. So here is a list of all the things you have dance to thank for!

Most Dancers have known nothing other than dance since the day they walked into their very first tiny-tot class. It becomes so much a part of our identity that we couldn’t imagine what life would be like, had we never been given that very first pair of ballet shoes. With that being said it can be easy for us to take for granted what a wonderful thing it is to be able to call ourselves Dancers (especially when showcase rehearsals are killing you, or your teacher isn’t being the *nicest*). So here is a list of all the reasons you need to thank dance….sometimes a little gratitude can go a long way. 

1. Being a low-key makeup artist by the age of eleven.

If you can name a non-dancer that knew how to apply fake eyelashes before they even went to high school, I would be very surprised. Thanks to dance, we’ve been pencilling in our eyebrows since WAY before it was cool. And I’m sure even Kim K would have been jealous of our highlight and contour back in ’06.

2. Knowing from a young age that practice makes perfect.

If you’ve ever done a Ballet exam, you know that applying focus and determination, will give you a more positive outcome. Through dance exams we learnt that if we work hard, we can gain respect from our teachers, and also bring ourselves closer to achieving any dreams we might have. Dance shows us that if we want something and are willing to spend time working towards it, anything is within our reach. 

3. The friendships!

Friends that dance together, stay together!…Well I’m not sure if that’s the EXACT saying, but you get the idea. The people that you dance with share a special bond that is unrivalled by any other friendship. They just get it. They have seen you achieve wonderful things, and have seen you fail miserably. Either way, dance friends are there for you no matter what and will continue to cheer you on for the rest of your life. When you think about all the amazing friends you’ve made over the years through either class or performance, it is guaranteed to leave you feeling so grateful you’re a dancer. 

4. You understand you aren’t always going to get what you want.

Now I don’t mean this to sound harsh but a lot of the things you do through school, you tend to do with a bit more of a safety net behind you. You didn’t win the cross country race? That’s okay, you get a participation award. Dance however is sooo not like this, and probably prepares you for the real world like nothing else will. You didn’t get picked to be front and centre for the routine? Working harder next time is your only option!

5. You possess sewing (or should I say sequining) skills.

Sewing seems to be a sort of dying art. Many people in your grandparents generation are expert stitchers and extremely handy with a sewing machine. But today’s generation, are a whole different story. Fear not however, because dancers, and our dance Mums are here to save the day! We will sequin and stitch until the cows come home….or at least until our teachers tell us that’s enough sequins.

6. Confidence

Dance might be tough at times, but we have to remember, the fact that we can get up in front of hundreds of people and perform, is a pretty incredibly thing. Ask any non-dancer, the thought of simply standing in front of a large crowd is terrifying, let alone having to remember choreography! I think we take it for granted sometimes just how amazing it is that we are able to put ourselves out there, and if we have the confidence to do that on stage, we must have the confidence to handle whatever it is that life throws at us. 

7. Travel Opportunities

A career in the dance industry opens up so many doors to other places and countries. Most of the traveling Dancers do is not on holidays, but rather while they are working as a performer. How lucky are we that we get to do what we love, and see the world at the same time! (If you’ve ever wondered what working life is like as a cruise ship dancer, read this now!)

There are probably a million reasons we need to be grateful you’re a Dancer, but these are just a few of my favourite things I have learnt along the way! Do you have another reason we could add to the list of what we should thank dance for? Leave a comment below! Would love to hear from you!! 

Until next time,

Happy Dancing! 

Sian xx

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